Digital marketing is evolving and the changes that are happening with digital marketing are being implemented at light speed. If organizations take weeks of Power Points to get the ball rolling they just might find that what they wanted to do is outdated requiring them to start all over again. There is no doubt that it’s a challenging environment but this one of the reasons why I love digital marketing so much. Here are 7 things that every marketer should know about digital marketing…
1ne: Google has changed how they rank sites.
In addition to keywords sites that have a bigger social media presence and engagement, including BLOGS, are going to rank higher than sites that don’t. Check out this story for more information.
2wo: Facebook is making attempts to connect facebook brand pages to ROI but so far their attempts are not answering the needs of marketers who are being asked hard question around the value of a facebook fan and facebook advertising.
Underlying all the disillusionment with social media’s biggest names is a common theme: simply building a massive user base – as Facebook and others have done so well – is no longer enough.
“You have to respect the consumer and what they’re trying to do on these sites,” cautioned Hubert Bandurski, the managing director of the Toronto-based digital ad agency Henderson Bas Kohn. “They’re going to Facebook to socialize, and not to look for a product.
3hree: Blogging is becoming more and more important even with social media.
Just look at this article “Blogs Are a Trusted Source for Moms”. More than two-thirds of mothers consider blogs to be a reliable resource for parenting information and share information obtained on BLOGS.
4our: Responsive Web Design delivers the Ultimate User Experience.
Imagine this: Your website has a sort of artificial intelligence and conforms beautifully to every device – smartphone, Ipad, Tablet, laptop, and desktop. Sounds like a futuristic dream right? It’s not. Welcome to the future and give this new reality a name – responsive website design. Every business wants to be in touch with the heartbeat of the mobile web and responsive design makes this possible. Here are three reasons why businesses and consumers agree responsive design is a no-brainer. Morehere
5ive: One of the reasons that so many people are turning to the Web for shopping is because ”Shoppers Are Fed Up With How They’re Being Treated By Retail Employees”
Brick-and-mortar retailers are facing more competition than ever from online suppliers like Amazon: e-commerce sales increased 17 percent in the first quarter of this year from 2011, according to ComScore. Source is here
6ix: With Online Video, You Have 20 Seconds To Capture Your Viewer. Go.
Video Tips For The Attention-Challenged
Online videos have mere seconds to capture a viewers’ interest and keep them around. In the same amount of time, here’s what you need to do to make online videos work for your brand:
Get it on the right screen (hint: not the TV).The social media generation puts accessibility above almost all else, and nothing is more accessible than the world-wide web.
Don’t rely on UGC. The next stage the web’s evolution lies in curation and original content.
Think in terms of seconds, not minutes).For online videos, start thinking in the 20-second range. Once a user hits play, that video has a very short amount of time to capture their attention before they’ll start browsing some other site.
Be authentic, about something other than your need to move product. Create a movement you believe in–and match your videos to it–rather than slamming a brand down viewers’ throats.
Source: Fast Company
7even: A 23-Year-Old Shouldn’t Run Your Social Media
Just because you don’t understand social media doesn’t mean you should forfeit all common sense and hire your niece, nephew, or any other recent college grad (say, your best friend’s sister-in-law’s kid) because “they’re really good on Facebook.”
If your business targets the young and hip, most definitely look to a recent grad or young social-media nerd to help your business. But don’t assume, either, that you need to hire someone young to manage your social media “just because.” Source: Inc
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