Friday 23 August 2013

Google on Disavow: "Don't Use It"

Whether you are a webmaster with multiple sites under your management or you just manage your won as a hobby, there comes a time when you can no longer put off managing your links. The time for a link audit approaches. And normally, it isn't fun. But there are tools that can at least make the process a little less irritating. And that is why Google's Disavow tool was created. Just like its name implies, the Disavow tool tells search engines links to your site that you would rather have them ignore, whatever your reason may be.

But, does Google Disavow's work? Not so fast, it turns out that there is more to using Disavow than just targeting a link for removal, even if the link is coming from a truly terrible site.

Saturday 17 August 2013

Mobile Trends for 2013

The world has become a global shopping mall. Distance is not a fact for the communication for the technological development. Internet, mobile phone, computer has made the world a small place for us. The technological development began from late 90's and it has got its speed now. It is possible to do most of our work through the mobile phone if the internet connection is there. The small mobile phone device is having almost everything day by day and people become dependent on the Smartphone devices. Let us have a look at the mobile trends for the year 2013 and for near future. According to the report of the JWT Intelligence at the GSMA Mobile World Congress the trends are as follows:

Friday 10 May 2013

Finding the Right Phrase: Tips on Selecting the Best SEO Keywords

When it comes to link building and Search Engine Optimization (SEO), it can be a jungle out there, and in order to successfully navigate that jungle, you need the right keywords and the right keyword phrases. Selecting the “right” linked phrase and/or keyword is about thinking like a potential consumer—if you were them and you were using Google to search for a service, for instance, what would you type into the search box? Thinking like the person on the other side of the search platform, along with following the below suggestions, has the potential to turn your content from invisible to a link building hot spot.

Friday 3 May 2013

Minimizing Your SEO Risk

Any search engine tactic or campaign carries with it a certain amount of risk. Changes to your keyword strategies, website design and link building can greatly increase your web traffic and search engine ranking. But if you follow the wrong path, a major change can end up decreasing your traffic. Sometimes, you have no idea which outcome you’ll get until you take the risk.

Not taking risks with SEO, however, leaves your website and ranking positions stagnating and slowly eroding as newer, more relevant websites gain traction with search engines. Since you have to take some risks, the secret is learning how to calculate your risk factor.

Tuesday 16 April 2013

The Importance of Quality Links

The world of SEO is fast-paced and ever-changing. This is undeniable. The methods used several years ago to garner interest from Google would never work today, and would probably lead to severe penalties from the web giants. Why is it so important these days to make sure you’re using links in a smart way?

Gaining the trust of search engines

With estimates that as much as 60% of the web consists of spam, search engines need a way to find the content it can trust to avoid directing users to spammy sites, which would make their service less usable. It looks at the links used by trusted websites and by way of association, the people they’re linking to are probably trustworthy too.

Thursday 21 March 2013

Meta-Tagging Tips that Every Web Developer Should Know

The Meta tags embedded in the HTLM source code of a website are what optimize the site for search engines. When a web designer uses the Meta tags in a judicious manner the website created will be search engine optimized (SEO) right from the start. Meta tags usually appear in the header-section of the HTML source code of a website. Here are some useful tips that web developers should know about Meta tags.

1: Title tag

When a web user inputs a search, the search engine looks for a match in the title tag of the code. When there is an exact match the site is found, indexed and displayed at the top of the results page. So incorporating the most appropriate keywords in the title tag is an essential part of web development.

Friday 15 February 2013

The room of art and perfection

3D animation is the art of making videos, movies or films that seem moving and it creates an artistic touch too grabs the attention of the traffic. There are also animated banners, animated website designs that are highly attractive and eye catchy for the readers which leads to review that will enhance their interest. They will want to know more about the concept of the 3D animation and in this way it has earned its fame. 3D animation is an effective device that is well designed with the creative touch to make that particular thing look more real and alive. The images and banners are of so high standard quality that it will increase the curiosity of the readers who are interested in 3D animation services.

More talents result in more profits

In today’s modern world, many new innovative concepts are uprising everyday. Among them, Illustration Company is one of them that are expanding as well flourishing. Most of the corporate sectors are adopting illustration service as they need conventional designed illustrations that they can use in marketing literature, marketing campaigns, frequently to strengthen and compliment their brand image. 

In this competitive market, there are large numbers of websites displaying several services and products. In order to make the place in the ranking order, the website needs to have an appealing look that will grab the attention of the users. Thus illustrations design paves the way to heighten the branding of a particular website as well as of an organization.

Friday 25 January 2013

This Is SEO: Best Link Building Resources

SEO is very changeable science and what you know today may not work tomorrow. The developers of search engines are actively fighting with SEO optimizers and complicate and develop ranking algorithms. But what we, optimizers, should do in this difficult fight for the favor of search engines? 'A la guerre comme à la guerre' or ' This Is SEO'! So, we offer you a list of the most advanced and informational blogs and resources that will help you always be aware of the latest news of the world SEO.
Best SEO Blogs
The best way to create the correct and working link building strategy is always be aware of the latest trends, to know what is working and what no longer does. For this and there Seo blogs! They'll help you learn something new and be able to share your experiences. Below are some very useful, in my own opinion, blogs that will help you always stay in the saddle.